The app records meetings and phone calls, manages the recordings, converts text to speech in various languages, provides machine language translations. The app supports WAV, MP3, WMA, OGG file formats, has export/import options. Video recording is available.
Use your PC to record meetings, phone calls, interviews, voice messages and audio reminders. Translate text to speech using different languages. At home or in the office, you'll always know who said what and when.
Dictation: create, edit, send, store and manage voice messages, as an alternative to typed emails, or to enrich and personalize your written messages.
Meeting: use Azam to prepare agendas, record proceedings and distribute copies to attendees and interested parties instantly. Meeting recordings can be protected, categorized and stored for easy retrieval.
Telephone: record telephone conversations with family, friends, associates and suppliers. Note: in most countries you must inform the other party that you are recording a phone call.
Diary: use your voice, rather than a pen, as a memory jogger for ideas, activities and tasks in the future, or as your own daily record to keep or share with your friends.
Translate: create machine language translations from practically any text document, use Azam to facilitate their translation into one of several languages. You can then listen to the translation. At a touch of a button, you can save, store and even email the translated voice clip.
Video: create, index, store and email video clips.
Import audio files from WAV,MP3,WMA or OGG. Export your Azam recordings to WAV,MP3,WMA or OGG. Playback possible on CD players.
Azam is being used worldwide across most market sectors, including the medical and legal professions. Students have been using the rich functionality of Azam to record lectures. Ideal for teaching and learning language translation and pronunciation.
When sending an Azam recording via email the size can be reduced by 90 percent using our compression option.
Through charities, registered disabled users can obtain free registration. Free use of Azam is being undertaken for the research of audio stimulation of coma patients.
Notes: 30 day trial has all the features of the registered version. Voice modem is required to use the Phone feature.